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Weight Loss Tip -
Don't Believe Lie that You are Overweight Because You Inherited the Trait from Your Parents

This is one of the great lies you hear today about weight loss issues and one that is usually given to cover up the failure in the health care system to help people have any real success at losing weight. All you have to do to disprove this lie to yourself is to look at the old photographs of your grandparents or great–grandparents. In all except a few isolated cases most will find that their ancestors were very lean so if you inherited any physical trait related to bodyfat from them then you should also be lean. The health care system uses the inherited trait lie as an excuse to cover up many failures but it really has disastrous consequences when it causes people to believe that there is nothing they can do about being overweight and give up hope of ever losing weight. Do not believe this lie and never lose hope of having a lean healthy body because everyone can achieve such a goal. Even if your family history gives you a predisposition to being overweight it still does not mean it is impossible for you. Researchers say that people who have alcoholic ancestors have more of a predisposition to become alcoholics however it does not guarantee that you will become an alcoholic and if you never drink alcohol it is impossible. You can look at a predisposition to gain weight in a similar way and if you take the proper steps then anyone, regardless of genetic predisposition or not, can lose weight and have a lean and healthy body. Never allow anyone to tell you that you can not lose weight for this or any other reason because it is simple not true.

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