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Weight Loss Tip -
Fat Blocker & Carb Blocker Supplements Help Minimize Diet Mistakes

Lets face it, even the most highly motivated people stumble and fall from time to time when it comes to eating healthy but the good news is there are ways to minimize the damage if it happens to you. Whether you slip up during a holiday celebration by eating a hot dog loaded with fat or gorge yourself on sugary cake at a friend’s wedding it is not the end of the world and if you take the right measures such mistakes will have little negative impact upon your overall weight loss program. You should anticipate that times like holidays and special events will be tough to stay on a strict diet so take along a fat blocker or a carb blocker to use whenever you anticipate that you might eat foods high in fat or high in carbs or both. As popular TV medical expert Dr. Oz put it when talking about Chitosan, the main ingredient found in most Fat Blocker products; "it’s great for that cheat day." This is how you can look at such times as your "cheat day" and products like fat blockers or carb blockers allow you to cheat a little on your normal weight loss diet without doing any real harm. Of course you should not cheat all the time and rely on supplements like these to constantly bail you out but for those special times here and there when you just have to indulge then go ahead without any guilt knowing you have your secret weapons like Fat Blocker and Carb Blockers to help you to win your battle to lose weight.

1Han LK.,et al. "Reduction in fat storage during chitin-chitosan treatment in mice fed a high-fat diet." Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1999 Feb;23(2):174-9.
2Udani J, et al. "Blocking carbohydrate absorption and weight loss: a clinical trial using a proprietary fractionated white bean extract." Altern Ther Health Med.. 2007 Jul-Aug;13(4):32-7.

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