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Weight Loss Tip -
Perform Aerobics After Weight Training for Maximum Fat Burning

Aerobics are a popular exercise for many people wanting to lose weight however you will burn a lot more fat and lose more weight faster if you will perform some weight training right before you do your Aerobics. The technical reason for this is what is known as the glycogen sparing effect which refers to your body’s preferred energy source of glycogen derived from stored carbohydrates. Whenever you exercise your body will prefer to use glycogen for fuel however as your stored glycogen is depleted your body will start to use other sources for energy in order to not run out of glycogen. The key to burning more fat during your workouts is to perform exercises that use up your glycogen stores quickly so that your body is forced to start burning more fat. Unfortunately aerobics alone do not have enough intensity to quickly burn off your glycogen stores so you never really burn a lot of fat unless you are doing aerobics all day long. This is why aerobics instructors are lean while the average person in their aerobics class is not. Weight training, on the other hand, is a much more intense workout that uses up your glycogen stores very quickly. The way to get the most fat burning out of aerobics is to do thirty to sixty minutes of weight training and then go do your aerobics. This way your body will have no alternative but to burn fat for fuel which is exactly what you want and will help you to lose weight. And, as we have discussed in other tips, if you need a little extra help with energy and fat burning then take a serving of a good thermogenic about thirty minutes prior to your workout to increase the fat burning effect even more.

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